Engineering Services for Hot DRI charging system
Technical assessment of Primary steel making (Sinter plant, Blast furnace and Converter steel plant)
Technical assessment of Converter steel plant
Elaboration of Tender documents for New Steel plant
Technical assessment of EAF steel plant
Review of Layout and Process equipment and Capacity expansion
Assessment of Business plan for Integrated Iron & Steel production
Technological calculations for continuous Tandem Cold Mill
Assessment of testing/inspection line of the Rail Mill
Technical consulting for the productivity of a batch type tandem cold rolling mill
Market Study for the development of the product mix for a downstream expansion project
Project Management Support for steel plant project in Iran
Assessment of Electric Arc Furnace Technology
Production and Environmental Masterplan of the Steel making plant
Technical consulting for roll contour optimization
Furnace Check-up and Technical Assistance Project
Assistance in the evaluation of the use of alternative feed mixes into the EAF
Assistance in the design of feeding alternative material to an EAF
Technical assistance for EAF; Improvement of operational settings for burner and transformer
Technology consulting and Equipment design review for Continuous Tandem Cold Rolling Mill
Technology benchmarking and Development consulting for Rolling Mills and
commissioning support for Aluminium Hot Strip Mill
Assistance in the elaboration of a technical specification
Assistance in Technological Offer Evaluation for AQS Project
Manual, Training & Implementation for Cost Control, Project Calculation, Cost Accounting and Reporting
Feasibility Study & Basic Concept for a new Melt Shop and Rolling Mills
Manual, Training & Implementation for Project- & Site Management, Risk Management and Contract Management
Sales Activities for used wire rod mill
Project Management Support for Erection and Commissioning of CCM
Project Management Support
Market Study
Feasibility Study for long product mini mill
Preparation of sales prospect for wire rod mill
Development Strategy for TIMKEN Steelmaking Plants
Feasibility Study
Study to improve Efficiency and Productivity of Volta Redonda BOF Steel Making Plant
Logistics Study
Technical & Commercial Project Evaluation and Project Management Consultancy
Tender Specifications and Offer evaluation of NTMK Expansion Project
Study of Production increase of ZSMK Steel Making Plant up to 10 MTPA
Project Assessment and Project Management Assistance Rail Rolling Mill Project
Project Management support, Time Scheduling and Project simulation
Assessment of the Converter Steel Making Process
Extension of converter lining lifetime
Improvement of Steel Making Process for Melt Shop No. 1 and 2
Technical negotiation support, Engineering review
Management support, Operation optimization, Start-Up support for new Melt Shop
Tender Specification for Mini Mill
Improvement Study for Rolling Mill and Project Evaluation Services Rebar Rolling Mill
Electric Power distribution study on Mini Mill for Iraq
Engineering review and Project Management
Technical & Commercial Negotiation with Technologies Supplier, overall Project and Procurement Management
Project Supervision, Engineering review of complete Mini Mill
Integrated Steel Mill, Study for Capacity Increase; Tender Specification BOF and CCM
Fact finding Mission Plate and Pipe Mill
Evaluation of the future Potential
Tender Specification Turn Key Steel Shop
Technical Assessment of Bar Mill Dansk Steel; Commercial Negotiation support
Marketing Support for Automation
Revamping of LucchiniPiombino Bloom Caster
Engineering review of EAF revamping
Engineering review of new Melt Shop, Layout Logistics and Liaison Office
Technical negotiation support, Engineering review
Plant assessment for strategic Investor
Revitalization and Modernization of Chrome Mine and Smelter DARFO, Albania
Project Supervision for Implementation of new EAF Steel Mill
Operational Assistance for Cherepovets Slab Caster
Advisor for Business Development
Tender Evaluation for Bloom Caster
Market and Feasibility Study for Integrated Compact Plate Mill
Technical Assessment of Steel Shop DANSCAN Steel
Project Management, Implementation co-ordination, Engineering review and Layout Logistics
Plant improvement and Logistics Study for existing Melt Shop
Project Evaluation & Implementation for complete Melt Shop incl. Engineering activities on Balance of Plant
Project Evaluation & Implementation for complete Mini Mill
Project Evaluation of special Steel Bloom Caster for Melt Shop expansion
Project Evaluation for new Mini Mill
Project Management Manual Development
Study Conversion cost of SBQ-Rolling Mills
Study of Heat Recovery Technology (Cokery Plant) in Turkey; Study of new Coking Plant in Republic of Korea
Technical Assistance for cost reduction of Piombino BOF Melt Shop
Advisor for Acquisition of DARFO Chrome Mine and Smelter
Technical and Feasibility Study DRI and Billet Plant
Development of Project Management Manual
Technical Consulting of Hagondange Bar Mill Revamping
Market Study for Iron & Steel in Brazil
Advisor for Acquisition of LucchiniGroup
Strategic Advisory Services
Advisor for Chiartura Manganese Ore Mine
Technical Advisory for production increase of Piombino BOF Steel Making Plant
Advisory Services for strategic Management and Technology
Advisor for acquisition of BabcokBorsigEspaña
Finite Element Study Avesta Casting Bow
Marketing Study for Guard Rails in Russian Federation
Coke Strategy
Marketing Study for Guard Rails in Section in Russian Federation
Joint Venture for Tube and Profile Production in Russian Federation
Tender Specification and Bid Evaluation of Gebze 02-Strand Continuous Slab Caster
Evaluation of Production, Product Quality and Availability of Tallinn Hot Dip Galvanizing Line
SWOT Analysis of Huta Katowice and HutaSendzimira in Poland
Marketing Support
Modernization Study for HutaSendzimira 1700 mm Hot Strip Mill, Poland
Elaboration of Project Management Manual
Strategic Advisor to EVRAZ Holding